Who is Archangel Michael?
Archangel Michael is the captain of the Lord's house, and the Prince of the Heavenly Host. Michael means "Who is like the Lord ?". He is a captain of other archangels and angels.

When Lucifer and other rebellious angels disobeyed God's rules, Michael cast down Lucifer and his followers. They were brothers and sisters since the beginning of creation. They lived in the same place and had the same Father. It was painful when they fought each other in the same family. However, Michael does what is right. He obeys God and protects Heaven.
As a chief angel of the heavens, he is well-known throughout the Bible and other religious texts, protecting and working as an advocate for individuals and nations of people. Michael is a warrior angel, helping in battles both in the Old and New Testament. His strong presence is why he is often called upon to help with personal and real battles in our modern world.
What does Archangel Michael Help With?
Since Michael is a protector, he provides protection, strength, power, and courage. If you are afraid or feel weak about something or struggle with your confidence levels, then the Archangel Michael is the one you can call upon to assist you.
Michael can help clear out all of the negative energies in your working and living spaces. He can remove any of the negative energies around in your life, giving you more chance to live a happy and fulfilled life. When you ask Archangel Michael for help, you must be open to receive it and listen to the guidance he gives you.
Protection Prayer
Michael is an archangel of protection, and the colors associated with him are red, silver and blue. When you pray to Michael, say these words and he will offer you protection.
"Michael to the right of me
Michael to the left of me
Michael above me
Michael below me
Michael within me
Michael all around me
Michael, with your flaming sword
of cobalt blue, please protect me"
You can think of a cobalt blue flame around you in a circle. After the prayer, you can say something specific like this "Please protect me from...."or "Please protect....". Give Him a name or something specific. This makes your prayer stronger and more accurate.
You have to believe and have faith in Michael. Practice this prayer a few times a day, a few months and continue. You'll see the results.
He is the one to call on when you need protection from accidents, crime, bad people, or evil of any kind, including any evil entities.
Ask Michael and he will protect you. He is very strong and is God’s best known warrior. You can also tell him about the problems you’re having. Ask him for help or show you the way to achieve what you want.
Exorcism Ritual

For exorcism ritual, Pope Leo XIII use this prayer to call Michael to remove demons from a human body.
"Saint Michael the archangel, defend us in battle
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray
And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God
Thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls
Signs Archangel Michael is Around You
Has there ever been a time when you were anxious about something or nervous? Did you feel like nothing was going to work out and shaking at the knees? But somehow, right before it happened, you gained strength and confidence out of nowhere. You weren’t able to define how or why it happened, but you could charge into the situation and get it done? You may have had help from the Archangel Michael during this time.
This angel is the one who will bring confidence and strength to any situation. When you feel weak and like you can’t handle it, turn to this angel and gain what you need.
Mont Saint Michel
Michael appeared to Aubert, who was a Bishop of Avranches, France, in his dreams. Michael instructed Aubert to build a church on a small island known as Mont Saint Michel.

Paintings and Iconography
Michael inspires many artists to portray himself and his battle against evil. Here are some popular artwork.

Image Source
By Luca Giordano - [2], Public Domain,
By Jacopo Vignali - Giovanni Piccirillo (a cura di), La chiesa dei Santi Michele e Gaetano, Becocci Editore, Firenze 2006.Author: sailko, Public Domain,
By Francesco Botticini - 2. The Bridgeman Art Library, Object 2271411. Transferred from de.wikipedia to Commons by Roberta F. using CommonsHelper., Public Domain,
Michael (left) with archangels Raphael and Gabriel, by Botticini, 1470
By Raphael - Retouched from File:Le Grand Saint Michel, by Raffaello Sanzio, from C2RMF.jpg, originally C2RMF: Galerie de tableaux en très haute définition: image page, Public Domain,
By Workman - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
By Guido Reni -,%20by%20Guido%20Reni.jpg, Public Domain,
Public Domain,
By Johann Michael Rottmayr - Wikipedia Commons Esperanto, Public Domain,
By Amaustan - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,